The Gungan Council
Vaga Obscuria
Avatar: Alexander Skarsgard
Vaga Obscuria
Also known as
Nightbrother Master
Witches of Dathomir
Santeria Decuir
Body type
Eye color
Hair color
Skin color
Family members
Significant other
Great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Other family

Basic Character Information[]

  • Nicknames:
  • Affiliation:
  • Disorder:
  • Species :

    Dark Force Spirit

  • Birthplace / Current Location:
  • Abilities:
  • Occupation/Position:
  • Connections:

Physical Appearance[]

Before Vaga’s rebirth he had no physical form and had no true appearance. Since his rebirth, (a process through Dark Force Manipulation by Malice Draclau), the malignant spirit known as Vaga Obscura was given a form that is a state between the physical world and the spirit world.

His true form now is a shadowy black substance that can shapeshift back and forth between a-none tangible state and a solid state. This process does not limit his mass nor the individual or creature he could mimic. He is not man, woman, or beast. He is a wraith of malignant energy that can now manipulate the physical world.

His favored form is that of a human male that stands over six feet tall with blue eyes and short blond hair.


  • Quirks:
  • Hobbies:
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Strengths:
  • Weaknesses:
  • Fears:.

Character History[]

Before Vaga was given a physical form he was a piece of the Force Nexus around and in Korriban. He was a concept of thought….an echo of a distant past. He was a sentient energy confined to one area (Korriban) and the spirit world (Astral Plane). He could influence but not touch the physical world. That changed twenty one years ago.

Malice Draclau a Sith Lord trying to increases his power in the Force and trying to create something no one had ever tried before……started a dark ritual in the valley of the Sith Lords. He had an idea of what he wanted. He wished to tap the nexus and create a Force beast from it. Normally in this type of process a Sith Lord would use some type of physical creature and manipulate and it; Malice did not this time.

It worked….he created something but nothing he really expected. It surpassed the design he attempted. The creature took the form of man with the ability to use the Force. It felt and thought like a man. This was unprecedented…Malice created life from nothing…..or so he thought.

Malice made his next mistake. He did not train the beast himself but sent the creature to Korriban. Was the control over the beast just an illusion….if it was or not sending the creature away to be trained was just a mistake.

Upon arrival to Korriban, Vaga found an instructor rather quickly, Santeria Decuir a powerful Dathomir Witch. Upon finding Vaga…she too tried to control Vaga. She however did have a great impact on Vaga’s future. Vaga a concept of negative thoughts never really had a felt compassion or love. One moment brought that out with her and he had refused to bite and drink her blood. This infuriated her. She felt rejected…spurned. Vaga’s first positive feelings and he was attacked because he cared. He still cares for Santeria but he feels anger too. When they are around each other, they are far from any normal or positive relationship. Abuse and manipulative games have become their hell with each other.

Experience and Skills[]


Apprentices: []

  • Cataleena
  • Greya Marzullo

Abilities: []

His new abilities and limitations after the Dromund Kaas Takeover:

Life/energy drain: Vaga still must feed of the life force, energy, or the Force itself to regain energy.

Ethereal Form: State between being non corporeal and non-tangible. Gravity has no effect to this state of being nor do solid matter. Cold or non-energy physical attacks simply pass through his form without damage. Being visible or invisible is just a state of willing it for Vaga. Passing through walls or crack are an easy feet for him. In this form he can pass through the veil between the astral plane (havens and hells) and the worlds of the living. He does not walk in this form; it is more like an advanced state of levitation.

Appearance of his Ethereal Form: Plainly put he looks like a Wraith, a humanoid black ghost type creature. Weakness: Not only must he consume energy to stay within the prime material plane. This form is considered an advanced form of undead. Through advanced rituals of the Force he could be bounded to one place in a form of a prison. This is not an easy task and the right components would be needed and at least one Master to help preform the rite. Cold Iron, salt, blessed water, and items that are considered holy can affect him on a physical level and damage him.

Mimicked Human Form: This form is clearly more vampiric in nature then human. Inhuman speed, fortitude, and strength are some of the characteristics while in this form. Cold does not affect him in this form but physical attacks do.

Appearance: Refer to his human playby for appearance in this form.

Weakness: He must still consume energy in this form. This form is considered an advanced form of undead. Through advanced rituals of the Force he could be bounded to one place in a form of a prison. This is not an easy task and the right components would be needed and at least one Master to help preform the rite. Silver, garlic, blessed water, and items that are considered holy can affect him on a physical level and damage him.





